selected tumblr submissions

"The Boor Triumphant" - by illustrator Dustin Harbin aka @dharbin.
"Legends" - by WP Van Overbruggen aka slid3.
"Trigon Mega-Trifecta" - design by Tilman aka @tilman.
“Sworcery 1 of 2” - illustration by João M.P. Lemos.
“kodomori” - illustration by Kimika aka @pintendo64.
“Untitled” - painting by Tyler Landry.
“Sword & Sworcery” - illustration by Pedro Cobiaco aka @pedro_cobiaco
“Making Friends” - artwork by Caitlin from Space Pyrates.
“Frustration” - painting by Nando Murio.
“Logfella” - illustration by Scott Benson aka @bombsfall - crimes!
"Unknowable Geometry" - a drawing by Chris Furniss aka @chrisfurniss.
“Portrait of Scythian” - Illustration by Mezamero aka @mister_despair