new record from jim guthrie

About ten years ago, Jim Guthrie made a pile of music on Playstation One using MTV Music Generator. A few years later, some of these songs inspired the Superbrothers films Children of the Clone & Dot Matrix Revolution, and some of the songs inspired S:S&S EP too (Under a Tree, for example). Most of these songs, however, had never been heard before by anyone other than Jim.
If you enjoyed the songs on Jim Guthrie's Sword & Sworcery LP: The Ballad of the Space Babies then you'll want to hear this new digital-only record, known as Jim Guthrie's Children of the Clone. This record contains some miscellaneous gems (Economica, Jimmy's Lament, Lust In Space) & at least one lost masterpiece (Roomful of Empty People is amaaazing) - it's kind of exciting getting this material out in the open!
On the Superbrothers side, we've been listening to these songs for a long long long time, they go pretty deep with us, so it was a treat to hook Jim up with an album cover image. The Jim Guthrie portrait on the box in the cover image is by illustrator Steve Courtney who created the portrait for an article in Kill Screen Magazine - to see this portrait up-close you can click here. The staff at Superbrothers handled the other visual elements, "it was kind of a relief to do something without pixels!"
ENJOY THE RECORD via Jim Guthrie's Internet Record Shop.
ENJOY THE ARTWORK right over here
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