live show in toronto

THE MIDSUMMER ROCKSHOWCASE with live Sword & Sworcery music from the maestro Jim Guthrie is happening Thursday, June 30th 2011 in a cinema at TIFF Bell Lightbox.
Jim Guthrie & his all-star seven piece band generally put on a heckuva show. This is the live debut of songs from Sword & Sworcery will probably kicks some ass. This rock show is, coincidentally enough, happening while the Dark Moon reigns.
The S:S&S EP team plus contributors, as well as folks from Capy & some other amazing people from Toronto's DIY videogame communities will be in attendance at the show... plus there'll be an after party, open to all attendees, where there will probably be beers... so maybe we'll see you there!?
For tickets & information about this event, head right on over here:
Note: The event poster above contains an AMAZING Sword & Sworcery-inspired print design known as 'The White Stag' by Toronto illustrator Charlene Chua, if you dig it then you might want to secure one of the remaining copies of the second pressing of the vinyl record, which includes a limited edition 11"x11" print of 'The White Stag'... for more information about this epic Sword & Sworcery swag you may wish to head over here.
IN THE LOOP? If this floats your boat & you'd like to stay in touch you may wish to go here.