get up-to-date on iPad three

//////////////////////////////// DON'T CALL IT A COMEBACK
A free update for the original touchtronic edition of Superbrothers: Sword & Sworcery EP is now available on the App Store, it is intended for those of you with the new iPad.
This update will fancy up them hard-edged pixel sprites real nice, offering initiated participants a new way to see just what in the heck #sworcery is all about.
If you'd like to download the new Dark Moon Rock Show wallpaper shown above (to use as a wallpaper on your new iPad for example) then feel free to click here.
- For those of you with only an iPhone or an iPod Touch, know this: the iPhone 4 (and above) is the optimal method for participating in this experiment.
- For those of you with a PC: of course you've already heard about the new edition for electric computers, available now via Steam, so you'll be fine.
- For those of you with a Mac: we will be cosmic friends forever, before the summer solstice.
Are you (and/or are your kids) creatively inclined? Would you be interested in creating some paintings, photographs, sculpture, music, videogames or whatever-you-like... in the key of #sworcery?
If so then join us in two weeks time as we celebrate the confluence of two jam events (the majestic Toronto Videogame Jam and the upcoming Comics Vs Games Jam) with a third creative jam in our own particular fashion: a #sworcery-themed audiovisual jam, open to one and all via the power of the internet.
Note: There will be no prizes or rewards, unless 'being posted to the official sworcery tumblr with credit + link to your site, plus whatever relevant info' is considered a reward, in which case yes, we'll definitely be doing that. We'll repost the raddest to, here at and via the Twitters.
Won't you join us? We'll have more details about all this very soon - watch this space for updates.
Also: Feel free to get going on some projects now if you have the time/interest (ie: waiting until the official start is not strictly required), if you've been meaning to make something happen then do whatcha want!
IN THE LOOP? If this floats your boat & you'd like to stay in touch you may wish to go here.