official remix record

/////////////////////////////////////////////// THE SCYTHIAN STEPPES
To mark the summer solstice launch of Superbrothers: Sword & Sworcery EP in the island nation of Japan, an entirely new album has been created featuring seven of Jim Guthrie’s songs of sworcery, re-interpreted by a who’s who of Japanese composers, many of them known for their affiliation with videogames. If you're a fan of Jim Guthrie's Sword & Sworcery LP: The Ballad of the Space Babies and/or if you have any connection to the long history of videogame audio & music in Japan then you'll definitely dig this new record.
“The Scythian Steppes: seven #sworcery songs localized for Japan” contains remixes from Michiru Yamane (Castlevania: Symphony of the Night), Akira Yamaoka (Silent Hill), Baiyon (PixelJunk 4am), Mitsuto Suzuki (Final Fantasy XIII-2), chiptune artist macotom3, and superhero Decasségui Hip.
The remix record was orchestrated by the folks at 8-4, Ltd. with the intention of bringing the best of the West to the East, and bringing the best of the East to the West. The record was produced in association with Jim Guthrie & Superbrothers.
“We wanted to do something special to celebrate #sworcery finally coming to Japan,” says 8-4, Ltd. president Hiroko Minamoto. “Music and collaboration were key aspects of this game from the beginning, so a remix album together with Japanese artists just felt right.”
The album is available now - listen to it for free or purchase it for $5, proceeds go to the folks at 8-4.
The official site for the remix record is here:
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