a/v jam recap

Artwork created for the a/v jam by Mare Odomo aka @mareodomo.
Since Superbrothers: Sword & Sworcery EP launched in spring of 2011 we've seen a few paintings & sketches 'in the key of sworcery' pop up on the internet, some of them from our pals, some from kids or families, some from skilled creatives who found themselves inspired by the project. These creations got us all super psyched, but we were always too busy to do anything about them other than just reflect back positive vibes to the creators.
Thankfully, once 'the new edition for electric computers' was released for PC on April 16, we found ourselves with just enough time to create an official exhibition space online, and so a few weeks ago, the sworcery tumblr was born.
We figured we might as well dream up an event to get people interested in the exhibition and encourage folks to create & submit, and so the sworcery a/v jam was born. We announced the event and started posting S&S paintings by Capy's artists to stoke the creative fires, and on the first day of the jam, Jim Guthrie offered up sounds & stems while Superbrothers made some official art assets available to be used as reference.
Even before the official start date of the jam we found ourselves with an embarassment of riches, with Marius Masalar aka @mathazzar's epic re-arrangement of Jim Guthrie's sworcery songs blowing us all away. Seriously, grab your headphones & listen to Maybe a Time of Miracles.
Another stand-out song was Tettix aka @tettix's outstanding synthpop song Don't Go (The Maelstrom). Here are some of the spot-on lyrics:
you don't look well / I'm worried about your health / don't kill yourself trying to get home / there's always some fella to find The Megatome / don't go
stay with me by the fire / no-one has to know / all this geometry is taking its toll / don't kill yourself trying to get home / there's always some some other fool to find The Megatome / oh please don't go
This clip Sworcery for a Monome takes a little while to make any sense but it's absolutely worth a look too, particularly where the on-the-fly remixing happens half-way through. It's pure sworcery!
If you only have a few minutes to take a look/listen at the a/v jam exhibition then you may wish to search by #love to see a smattering of stunning submissions. If you have some time you might want to look through the whole thing, or try searching by specific hashtags (eg: #music #video #rockstar). If you particularly enjoy a painting or a song or a video, please do get in touch with the artist(s) and give them a high five on Twitter or whatever, it'll put a smile on their faces.
The vast majority of the artwork, videos & music on the sworcery a/v jam was created in the last ten days or so, since the jam was announced. The quantity & quality of the submissions has been genuinely staggering... it's uhh... we really don't even know what to say...
After three solid, tumultuous, transformative years, our time together with Sword & Sworcery is almost over. We are only six weeks or so until the summer solstice, and boy oh boy oh boy we have some super exciting surprises in store in the next little while... but then, soon afterwards, it will be time for Superbrothers to move on from Sword & Sworcery.
With all of that in mind, to see what has happened with the sworcery a/v jam, we find ourselves pretty profoundly moved... thank you all for submitting, creating, supporting & enjoying our videogame haiku about life, love & death.
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